Vacuum Induction Melting and Casting Systems VSG


The VSG systems can be universally employed for melting of metals, alloys or special materials in crucibles made of ceramics or graphite under high vacuum, fine vacuum or different gas atmospheres with subsequent casting into moulds or forms in laboratory or production

VSG systems are cold-wall furnaces of corrosion-resistant stainless steel with water-cooled double wall vessel. The melting and casting device consists of a tiltable induction coil with coaxial power and coolant feedthrough and the mould table. The material of the applied crucibles is adapted to the melting material. If the melting material is non-reactive with carbon, crucibles made of graphite or clay-graphite can be used. Otherwise ceramic crucibles will be used. Where required crucibles of high-melting metals may also be employed as far as the melting material does not react with the crucible material. In these cases, the crucible acts as a secondary winding for power induction. Power is supplied by static medium frequency converter systems.

VSG systems are available as single or multi chamber systems and consist of the following basic modules: furnace vessel, vacuum pumping unit, power supply and control system, melting and casting equipment, as well as vacuum-lock for melt manipulations. These modules are to be supplemented according to need in different versions combinable and by an extensive selection of accessory mechanisms.



1. Precious metals
2. Highly pure, highly alloyed steel
3. High temperature resistant materials on Fe-, Ni-, Co- basis
4. Superalloy
5. Non-ferrous metals
6. Solar silicone and special materials



1. Working temperature can be up to 2200℃,(can be higher in customized adjustments)
2. Usable volume: 0.1 ~ 60 L
3. temperature homogenious in work space ±10°C
4. pressure range from 10-3 to 1080 mbar
5. Automatic control of the melting and casting process
6. Tilting of crucible under full power load
7. Suitable for ingot-, mould- or precision-casting
8. Well structured systems with a high application flexibility, suitable for modular extension or later supplement / conversion


*for more details, please contact us! We are willing to help!